The new Gourmet is up. What's interesting is that if you go to the MA rankings page, they now list each school's area of excellence. Supposedly, our areas of excellence are philosophy of language & mind, and history of philosophy (esp. early modern, Marx, Frankfurt School).
Would you agree?
I noticed that too and thought it was a bit strange. Okay, so Drs. Liston, Koethe, and Leeds could be the Language folks, right? Dr. Schwartz can do Mind, I think, as well as Dr. Nuffer. I have no idea who does Marx/Frankfurt School. And clearly they have Dr. Atherton in mind for the early modern. This shakes my confidence in Leiter's breakdown into categories by specialty.
I think Sensat is supposed to be the Marx guy and Gendron the Frankfurt School guy.
I am quite shocked 'metaethics' is not listed as a stength, what with my presence in the department. Atherton works in mind (I believe she has done quite a bit on perception). Also, Sensat wrote a book on Habermas, so he could be the reason for mentioning the Frankfurt school.
I think Jeremy's presence should be reflected in the 08-10 PGR with UWM being the first terminal MA program to break the top 50. ;-)
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Right, but I now go by Jeremy David 'Object of Terror' Fix, so take note.
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